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2025 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

4 / 30 states. 13% done!

2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

19 / 50 books. 38% done!

2025 Literary Escapes Challenge

- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado (3)
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida (1)
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
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- Wisconsin (1)
- Wyoming
- Washington, D.C.* (1)

- Australia (1)
- England (3)
- France (1)
- Puerto Rico (1)
- Scotland (1)

My Progress:

12 / 51 states. 24% done!

2025 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

My Progress:

8 / 50 books. 16% done!

2025 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

2025 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

My Progress:

14 / 50 books. 28% done!

Booklist Queen's 2025 Reading Challenge

My Progress:

17 / 52 books. 33% done!

2025 52 Club Reading Challenge

My Progress:

21 / 52 books. 40% done!

2025 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

My Progress:

11 / 40 books. 28% done!

2025 Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge

My Progress:

8 / 25 cozies. 32% done!

2025 Medical Examiner Mystery Reading Challenge

2025 Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge

My Progress

16 / 26.2 miles. 61% done!

2025 Mount TBR Reading Challenge

My Progress

5 / 100 books. 5% done!

2025 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

My Progress:

25 / 109 books. 23% done!

2025 Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

My Progress

25 / 52 books. 48% done!

Phase Out Your Seriesathon - My Progress

7 / 55 books. 13% done!

The 100 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. Reading Challenge

My Progress:

92 / 100 names. 92% done!

The Life Skills Reading Challenge

My Progress:

58 / 80 skills. 73% done!
Saturday, January 07, 2012

Tuesdays at the Castle Just As Fun, Magical As It Sounds

(Image from Barnes & Noble)

Every castle has its mysteries, but none more so than Castle Glower. Every Tuesday, the structure surprises its occupants by making some kind of change - it might add a new suite of rooms, subtract a turret, or move a staircase to a whole different wing. The constant change drives some people crazy. Not Princess Celie. She loves the playful nature of her home. No one else can keep up with its weekly madness the way she can. Everyone says it's because Celie is the castle's favorite. It's true that she can feel the thrum of its happy, ancient magic just by pressing her hand against the castle's stone walls and the place does seem to have a fondness for its youngest resident.

Celie doesn't realize just how protective the castle is of her family until her parents go missing. Left on their own, the three Glower children must decide what to do next. If their father is truly dead, 14-year-old Rolf will take the throne. He doesn't want it - not yet, anyway - and even the castle seems hesitant to approve the change. In the meantime, it's up to Celie, Rolf and their older sister, Lilah, to defend their kingdom against would-be invaders, find out what really happened to their parents, and keep themselves from getting thrown in the dungeon in the process. Thankfully, they have Castle Glower on their side. But when an opposing ruler brings in his own ancient magic, Celie feels the castle weakening. Without its help and protection, what possible chance do she and her siblings have of saving the kingdom? Armed only with their own cleverness, the Glower kids must find a way to save their home, their family and their people - before it's too late.

Tuesdays at the Castle, the newest middle grade fantasy from popular children's author Jessica Day George, is just as fun and magical as it sounds. With humor, originality and lighthearted prose, it's simply an enjoyable read. I bought the book for my 9-year-old daughter as a Christmas present, but I loved the story just as much as she did. If my boys could get over the princess thing long enough to give Tuesdays at the Castle a chance, I think they would really enjoy it, too. It's that appealing. Definitely don't wait until next Christmas to buy yourself your kids a copy.

(Readalikes: Hm, I can't really think of anything. Can you?)

Grade: B+

If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for scenes of peril

To the FTC, with love: I bought Tuesdays at the Castle at Changing Hands Bookstore with some of the millions I make from my lucrative career as a book blogger. Ha ha.


  1. I read this one right before Christmas and think I would have loved it in junior high. But I need a year break from ANY stories about princesses.

  2. I loved this book. It's my favorite from JDG--and I'm a general fan. Can't wait for the sequel!

  3. Totally agree with this. Thought it was a great read.

  4. Hey Susan. Just wanted to let you know that your feature went up on my blog today. :)

  5. This one just has so much kid appeal! I loved the castle to pieces.

  6. I'm reading Princess of the Midnight Ball right now and just finished Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow....Need to add Tuesdays at the Castle to my JDG kick!
    Also: thanks for commenting on my blog! And I should've mentioned the Timber Wolves book are available in print.

  7. do pouge parry and lilah ever get married?


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