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2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (Hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

31 / 30 books. 103% done!

2024 Literary Escapes Challenge

- Alabama (1)
- Alaska (1)
- Arizona (1)
- Arkansas (1)
- California (7)
- Colorado (1)
- Connecticut (1)
- Delaware (1)
- Florida (1)
- Georgia (2)
- Hawaii (1)
- Idaho (2)
- Illinois (3)
- Indiana (4)
- Iowa (1)
- Kansas (1)
- Kentucky (1)
- Louisiana (1)
- Maine (1)
- Maryland (1)
- Massachusetts (3)
- Michigan (1)
- Minnesota (2)
- Mississippi (1)
- Missouri (1)
- Montana (1)
- Nebraska (1)
- Nevada (2)
- New Hampshire (1)
- New Jersey (1)
- New Mexico (1)
- New York (9)
- North Carolina (4)
- North Dakota (1)
- Ohio (3)
- Oklahoma (2)
- Oregon (2)
- Pennsylvania (2)
- Rhode Island (1)
- South Carolina (1)
- South Dakota (1)
- Tennessee (1)
- Texas (4)
- Utah (2)
- Vermont (2)
- Virginia (2)
- Washington (3)
- West Virginia (1)
- Wisconsin (1)
- Wyoming (1)
- Washington, D.C.* (2)

- Argentina (1)
- Australia (2)
- Bolivia (1)
- Canada (3)
- China (1)
- England (20)
- France (1)
- Ghana (1)
- India (1)
- Indonesia (1)
- Ireland (4)
- Italy (1)
- Poland (1)
- Russia (1)
- Scotland (3)
- The Netherlands (1)

My Progress:

51 / 51 states. 100% done!

2024 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

My Progress:

46 / 50 books. 92% done!

2024 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

36 / 50 books. 72% done!

Booklist Queen's 2024 Reading Challenge

My Progress:

52 / 52 books. 100% done!

2024 52 Club Reading Challenge

My Progress:

50 / 52 books. 96% done!

2024 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

My Progress:

36 / 40 books. 90% done!

2024 Pioneer Book Reading Challenge

17 / 40 books. 43% done!

2024 Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge

My Progress:

21 / 25 books. 84% done!

2024 Medical Examiner's Mystery Reading Challenge

2024 Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge

My Progress

20 / 26.2 miles (3rd lap). 76% done!

Mount TBR Reading Challenge

My Progress

40 / 100 books. 40% done!

2024 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

My Progress:

96 / 109 books. 88% done!

Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

My Progress

52 / 52 books. 100% done!

Disney Animated Movies Reading Challenge

My Progress

127 / 165 books. 77% done!

The 100 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. Reading Challenge

My Progress:

78 / 100 names. 78% done!
Tuesday, February 03, 2015

My Top Ten Ways for the World to End

Y'all know how much I love Top Ten Tuesday.  It's a fabulous weekly meme hosted by the ladies over at The Broke and the Bookish.  If you're looking for great new book blogs to follow, lots of reading recommendations, and traffic for your own blog, you want to get in on this.  Plus, it's fun to respond to the weekly question.

Before we get to that, though, I want to make sure you know about the awesome giveaway I have going on right now.  Up for grabs is a signed hardcover copy of Fairest, the newest book in The Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer.  It's a prequel that tells Queen Levana's story.  The winner also gets a signed bookmark.  Cool, right?  Click here to be redirected to the giveaway post.  Don't forget to come back after you enter!

Alright, back to the TTT topic du jour:  Top Ten Books I Can't Believe I Haven't Read From X Genre.  I chose dystopian/post-apocalyptic books because even though I'm a big fan of the genre, there are lots of classic dystopian books I've yet to read.  Here are the top ten that came to mind most readily:

1.  The Road by Cormac McCarthy—I broke one of my cardinal rules by watching the movie version of The Road before reading the novel.  One of these days, I'm going to brave the book.

2.  1984 by George Orwell—My husband is aghast at the fact that I haven't read this dystopian classic.  I need to remedy that soon.

3.  On the Beach by Nevil Shute—I didn't love this bleak tale in movie format, so I don't know how I'll feel about the book.  Still, it's on my need-to-read list.

4.  Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card—I've tried to read this one a few times and can never get past about Page 50.  I'm not planning to attempt it again, but I still can't believe that I've never read it all the way through.

5.  The Stand by Stephen King—Right?  I need to read this one, like, ASAP.

6.  Under the Dome by Stephen King—Ditto for this one.  I've got a copy on my bookshelf, it's just so dang HUGE.  I'll get to it one of these days.

7.  Lord of the Flies by William Golding—I'm pretty sure I have read this one, it was just so long ago that I don't remember much about it.  Either that or I've never read it.  I definitely should.

8.  The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood—I started this one a few months ago, but put it down in favor of a newer, shinier title.  I need to get back to it.

9.  Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury—I read this book-burning dystopian classic back in junior high or high school (you know, a million years ago).  A re-read is long overdue.

10.  The Time Machine by H.G. Wells—I've never read anything by Wells.  This would be a good place to start.

What do you think?  Which dystopian big hitters do I need to read ASAP?  Which have you read and loved?  What books can you not believe you've never read?  

*All book images from Barnes & Noble

My 3R's: Reading, Reviewing and Rory (With a Giveaway!)

Even though we're in the second month of the new year, I'm still living in the past.  I know it's SO 2014 of me to be reviewing books I read LAST year, but hey, I'm nothing if not thorough!  I was catching up, too—the last book I reviewed was one I read in October, after all—and then, this happened:

This furry ball of cuteness is an 8-week old purebred Australian shepherd.  He's adorable.  The kids named him Rory (I have a couple Whovians in the house) and we're all in love.  As you can imagine, this pup's got a lot of energy.  A lot.  And since I'm a SAHM, Rory and I spend a lot of time together.  A lot.  Needless to say, I haven't gotten much done lately in the way of reading, reviewing, housework (especially since Rory doesn't believe me when I tell him the softest, most comfy place to pee/poop is outside in the grass), or really anything.  It's like having a new baby in the house, except worse because this baby is mobile!  Aussies are super smart and Rory's no exception—he'll be fully trained in no time.  I hope ...

In non-dog related news, I went to a fun book event last night.  As a late birthday present for my 13-year-old daughter, I bought tickets for the two of us to see Marissa Meyer at Changing Hands Bookstore.  The new Phoenix location opened recently and, while it's not as cozy-funky as the one in Tempe, it's roomier.  Less space for actual books, but more for author events.  At any rate, the event was billed as a Lunar Ball.  There were decorations, food, face painting, and a number of people dressed in formal/party wear (DD and I not included—we're party poopers like that).  "Queen" Marissa was very charming.  She chatted with the crowd, answered questions, and did a reading from Winter (available November 10, 2015).  Then, she signed books, very graciously agreeing to autograph and personalize all five of our books, plus two bookmarks and a Lunar Chronicles sweatshirt that I received as a thank you for participating in the Scarlet blog tour.  All in all, it was a good time.  We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

As part of the ticket price for the event, each person received a hardcover copy of Fairest, Meyer's new book.  We don't need both our copies, so I'm giving away one.  It's signed (not personalized) and includes a signed bookmark (as shown below -- sweatshirt is not included).  If you're not familiar with The Lunar Chronicles, it's a series of "rebooted" fairy tales featuring a cyborg Cinderella and her friends.  A prequel, Fairest tells the story of Levana (who's based on the evil queen in Snow White).  The series is clean, clever and fun—I've loved all the books and can't wait to delve into this one!

If you're interested in winning, please feel out the Rafflecopter entry widget below.  Contest ends on February 20 and is open to readers with U.S. and Canadian addresses only.  Good luck!

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