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2024 Literary Escapes Challenge

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Tuesday, June 05, 2018

Eden Delivers Another Warm, Witty Regency Romance

(Image from Barnes & Noble)

Note:  Loving Lieutenant Lancaster is a companion novel to Seeking Persephone; Courting Miss Lancaster; and Romancing Daphne.  It also concerns members of the Jonquil Family from Kiss of a Stranger; Friends & Foes; Drops of Gold; As You Are; A Fine Gentleman; and For Love or Honor.  While the books are not technically sequels, reading them out of sequence may result in plot spoilers.  As always, I recommend reading books in a series in order. 

An orphan raised by her unfeeling aunt and uncle, Arabella Hampton dreams of being part of a big, loving family.  The Jonquils have always represented the ideal; long has she dreamed of being one of them.  When Lady Lampton, the aging matriarch of the Jonquil Family, approaches Arabella's guardians about hiring their charge as a lady's companion, 23-year-old Arabella can't believe her luck.  Finally, she'll get to live at Lampton Park, residing among the kind-hearted Jonquils.  Arabella hasn't been in her new position long, though, before she realizes she's a charity hire, not really needed at all.  As neither a servant nor a family member, she finds herself feeling useless and out of place.  She finally sees her hopes of being a real Jonquil for what they are—foolish and naive. 

Recently retired from the Royal Navy, 24-year-old Linus Lancaster is finding himself hopelessly bored with his new-found life of leisure.  Lonely and craving a diversion of almost any kind, he agrees to attend an extended house party at the Jonquils' estate in Nottinghamshire.  Cavorting with his siblings, their spouses, and their in-laws should make for an entertaining two weeks.  While Linus expects fireworks (especially between the surly Duke of Kielder and foppish Lord Lampton), he's shocked when a mysterious woman hiding in the shadows unwittingly ignites his passions.  Mesmerized by the lovely Miss Hampton, Linus vows to bring the reluctant young woman out of obscurity—and into his arms. 

Although of differing stations and backgrounds, Arabella and Linus are nevertheless drawn to each other.  Can they find the purpose and belonging they both long for in each other?  Or will their haunted pasts drive them apart forever?

Sarah M. Eden has become known for her warm, witty romances.  They're clean, they're fun, they're sweet, and they're enjoyable.  Her newest, Loving Lieutenant Lancaster, is no exception.  Featuring likable characters, a warm, upbeat tone, and capable prose, it's as entertaining as its fellows.  Because this novel brings together the casts of two of Eden's Regency series, there are a lot of characters in Loving Lieutenant Lancaster.  Those who have read the previous novels will no doubt delight in seeing what's become of their favorites; those who are not acquainted with all the Lancasters and Jonquils will likely be confused.  I, for one, had trouble keeping them all straight.  While their antics kept me reading, this novel definitely started to feel overly long.  Admittedly, I'm not a big romance reader.  When I do indulge, I prefer my love stories to be short and sweet, especially if there aren't any subplots to keep me interested.  Despite those things, I still enjoyed this fun Regency romance.

(Readalikes:  Other books in the Jonquil and Lancaster series [titles listed in Note above] by Sarah M. Eden)


If this were a movie, it would be rated:

for mild innuendo

To the FTC, with love:  I received a finished copy of Loving Lieutenant Lancaster from Covenant in exchange for an honest review.  Thank you!


Would you like more opinions on Loving Lieutenant Lancaster?  Follow along on the book's blog tour by clicking on the links below:

Want to win a copy of Loving Lieutenant Lancaster for your very own?  How about a $25 Amazon gift card?  Enter to win both using the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I need to catch up on this series. I haven't read Romancing Daphne yet either. I really like this series.

  2. This makes me think a bit of Jane Austen, perhaps it's the location and wealth.

  3. It’s too bad it’s too long but it still sounds cute. I need to try one of her books.

  4. I enjoy Eden's novels because of her humor, but some are better than others. :)

  5. I do love some haunted pasts and I think it's been awhile since I read a more PG romance (or really any romance at all) so this really appeals.


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