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2025 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

4 / 30 states. 13% done!

2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

19 / 50 books. 38% done!

2025 Literary Escapes Challenge

- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado (3)
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida (1)
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
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- Massachusetts (1)
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- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York (2)
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- Rhode Island (1)
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- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont (1)
- Virginia
- Washington (1)
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin (1)
- Wyoming
- Washington, D.C.* (1)

- Australia (1)
- England (3)
- France (1)
- Puerto Rico (1)
- Scotland (1)

My Progress:

10 / 51 states. 20% done!

2025 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

My Progress:

7 / 50 books. 14% done!

2025 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

2025 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

My Progress:

13 / 50 books. 26% done!

Booklist Queen's 2025 Reading Challenge

My Progress:

15 / 52 books. 29% done!

2025 52 Club Reading Challenge

My Progress:

19 / 52 books. 37% done!

2025 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

My Progress:

11 / 40 books. 28% done!

2025 Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge

My Progress:

8 / 25 cozies. 32% done!

2025 Medical Examiner Mystery Reading Challenge

2025 Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge

My Progress

13 / 26.2 miles. 50% done!

2025 Mount TBR Reading Challenge

My Progress

4 / 100 books. 4% done!

2025 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

My Progress:

23 / 109 books. 21% done!

2025 Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

My Progress

23 / 52 books. 44% done!

Phase Out Your Seriesathon - My Progress

6 / 55 books. 11% done!

The 100 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. Reading Challenge

My Progress:

91 / 100 names. 91% done!

The Life Skills Reading Challenge

My Progress:

58 / 80 skills. 73% done!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Singin' the Blues

You know how some people get all depressed when the weather's cold and drizzly? I'm kind of the opposite. Not that I'm depressed, exactly - constant sunshine just kind of zaps me. Not only does it herald swimsuit season (horror of horrors), but it means the end of the school year, plus blistering hot days to come. *Sigh* Even though my kids are very patient with my reading habit obsession, I'm not sure how many of these ding dang ARCs I'm going to be able to plow through this summer. I have a serious inability to say no. How can I, really, when there are all these free books to be had? And don't even get me started on BEA. Let's just say I'm insanely jealous of all who get to go. Worst of all, my favorite show came to an end this week. I know, right? These crises in my life are enough to put me into serious therapy. Hee hee.

Okay, to combat the blues, I offer solutions:

- There's not much I can do about the weather, unfortunately. However, I do have a big, nice pool in my backyard which means that not only do my kids and I have a place to swim every day, but we can do so in privacy. No public displays of me in a bathing suit. You're welcome.

- The ARCs: I shouldn't whine about this. Reviewing books is one of the funnest things I've ever done, and people are so generous about sending me books. It does get overwhelming, though. If book blogging's getting you down, check out Book Blogging Blues. Just the name makes me laugh. It's actually a really helpful resource, though. Check it out.

- BEA. I'm totally going next year. Seriously. I'm saving my pennies. In the meantime, have you heard about Armchair BEA? It sounds like lots of fun.

- Now we come to LOST. The. Best. TV. Show. Ever. Many moons ago, my husband and I watched the pilot episode. We were entranced. Somehow, though, we didn't remember to watch the next installment. By the time we next thought about the show, we were so LOST that we decided not to watch that season. Eventually, we caught up on the first two seasons. We watched the DVDs one right after the other, often staying up way, way too late because we couldn't stop ourselves from viewing "just one more episode." We've watched LOST projected on the wall of our bedroom, on the beach in Jamaica, in the airplane (not the best idea, BTW) and from a condo balcony in San Diego. The thought that I'll never watch a new episode again makes me decidedly sniff-y.

If you've never seen LOST, you're completely out of the loop, not to mention certifiably insane no worries. My friend, Brodi Ashton, has composed a series of limericks to explain it all.

To me, the finale was no big surprise. I'm proud to say that the hubs and I had it all figured out several seasons ago. I did like what Matthew Fox said on Jimmy Kimmel Live about the finale being open to interpretation based on people's different beliefs, religions and philosophies. After all, if the show gave clear-cut answers to anything, it wouldn't be LOST. I also enjoyed all the montages - there were a lot of plot lines I'd forgotten about over the years, and plenty of characters I missed (Charlie, especially). Ah, memories.

Mourning LOST has made me think about the t.v. shows I've loved over the years. Without further ado, here are my Top 5 Favorite TV Shows of All Time, divided into shows I loved as a child and those I've adored as an adult. Here goes:

Childhood 5:

Little House on the Prairie
Inspector Gadget (cartoon)
Perry Mason (Seriously, I used to watch this ALL THE TIME)
The Cosby Show
Wonder Woman (I remember praying fervently that bad guys would come crashing through our front door so I could turn into W.W. and save us all.)

Adult 5:

ER (stop laughing!)
CSI (Las Vegas)
Freaks & Geeks (WHY this one got cancelled before it even really had a chance to get off the ground is beyond me.)
Scrubs/Everybody Loves Raymond (technically, this isn't 6 choices - it's a tie)

What are your Top 5s? There are plenty that I've liked over the years, but the above are the ones that sprang to mind when I thought of favorites. I'd love to hear yours ...

- One more thing, people: If you haven't signed up for my Princess for Hire giveaway, please do. I'm offering one shiny, new hardcover of the book. It's a sweet, fun, clean read that will appeal to girls of all ages. If you have a tween girl in your life, sign up now! All the details are here.

Alright, I'm done with my whining. I need to get off the computer and make sure my kids get out the door for one of their last days of school. At least I'll be able to sleep in past 6 on Friday. Nothing to complain about there!


  1. Top 5 True Blood, Grey's Anatomy, Intervention, Dawson's Creek and One Tree Hill.
    Great blog! I have one ARC to read so far. Haven't been blogging for long though. Hope to one day have your problem!

  2. I know what you mean about sunshine zapping you - I am a bit like that too - as is every pet that I have ever possessed, so I like to think that it is a very natural way to behave. It can be partly combatted by drinking lots of water. I always read more in the winter despite the holiday in the summer.

    Thanks for sharing

  3. I always wondered why Freeks & Geeks was canceled. One of my daughters just bought the series on dvd - she loves it. Ever notice how many (of today's) stars were in that show?!

    Everybody Loves Raymond always makes me laugh (glad it's still in reruns) as well as King of Queens.

  4. Hey, that sizzling AZ sun gets to the best of us! Yay for backyard pools! That's probably one of the things my kids miss the most, swimming every day!
    I am currently mourning the end of "24". And I always wanted to be the bionic woman when I was a kid!

  5. I feel the exact same way about the summer. Glad to hear you "get" it.

    I'm so behind on Lost. I hope the episodes stay online for awhile so I can still watch them all. I don't get a thing, but I'm trying!

    Top 5 Childhood Faves:
    Eight is Enough
    Donny and Marie
    Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Mysteries
    Land of the Lost

    Top 5 Adult Faves (from the past):
    Early Edition
    Star Trek (TNG and Voyager)
    Thirty Something
    Life Goes On
    Days of our Lives! :)

  6. I feel so much better in the winter months than I do the summer....the heat zaps me, too! I just stay inside with the A/C on, and READ! ;)

    Top 5 Childhood Faves: The Monkees, The Banana Splits, Little House On The Prarie, The Carol Burnett Show and Lost In Space.

    Top 5 Adult Faves: That 70's Show, Family Guy, Two and A Half Men, ER and The First 48.

    Happy Reading!

  7. Top 5 Adult: ALIAS, Scrubs, Glee, ER, Veronica Mars

    Top 5 Childhood: The Cosby Show, Family Ties, Silver Spoons, A Different World, Falcon Crest

  8. Heat and I don't get along, so naturally we ended up in a state with an 11-month pollen season and a 7-month summer. Yeesh.

    I envy your pool. Not envious of BEA, though. I'm not in the mood for crowds and don't need the books I know I'd come home with.

  9. We HEART - The only one of your Top 5 I've seen is Grey's Anatomy. We stopped watching after the first couple of seasons - can't remember why. And, yeah, too many ARCs isn't such a bad problem to have :)

    Hannah - Glad to know it's natural! I grew up in the Pacific NW, so I'm trying to decide if it has to do with that or just my homebody personality. I don't know whether I read more in the summer or winter ...

    Mary - I know, right? It was the best show! I should buy it on DVD. Love, love, love Raymond. Never watched King of Queens.

    Valerie - Yes, the pool is a lifesaver for all of us. 24 is another show where I watched the first few episodes, then missed too many to understand what was going on. That was before DVR :) BIONIC WOMAN!! Loved that show.

    Suey - I'm glad I'm not the only one! Okay, I forgot about Donny & Marie. I don't actually remember watching the show, but I know we did. My younger sister is actually named after Marie b/c we loved that show so much! Also, I'm not a Trekkie at all, but I love Voyager.

    Missy B - YAY - another ER fan! I forgot about The Monkees. Another weird, but well-liked show at our house.

    Julie - Family Ties! That was another great show.

    Bookfool - You sound like me. OF COURSE, I would end up in always sunny Arizona. LOL. I don't love crowds either, and I have more review books right now than I can possibly read in a lifetime, but I still want more. Can you say greedy? Hee hee.

  10. TOTAL opposite of you on the winter/summer spectrum (I'm planning to move to AZ someday), but I get the blues thinking about BEA and ARCs. I know I get plenty to keep me busy (though, not nearly as many as you and lots of other big bloggers), but I still get a little green with envy looking at what others get. Someday, I'll get over it.


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