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2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (Hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

31 / 30 books. 103% done!

2024 Literary Escapes Challenge

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My Progress:

51 / 51 states. 100% done!

2024 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

My Progress:

46 / 50 books. 92% done!

2024 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

36 / 50 books. 72% done!

Booklist Queen's 2024 Reading Challenge

My Progress:

52 / 52 books. 100% done!

2024 52 Club Reading Challenge

My Progress:

50 / 52 books. 96% done!

2024 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

My Progress:

36 / 40 books. 90% done!

2024 Pioneer Book Reading Challenge

17 / 40 books. 43% done!

2024 Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge

My Progress:

21 / 25 books. 84% done!

2024 Medical Examiner's Mystery Reading Challenge

2024 Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge

My Progress

20 / 26.2 miles (3rd lap). 76% done!

Mount TBR Reading Challenge

My Progress

40 / 100 books. 40% done!

2024 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

My Progress:

96 / 109 books. 88% done!

Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

My Progress

52 / 52 books. 100% done!

Disney Animated Movies Reading Challenge

My Progress

127 / 165 books. 77% done!

The 100 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. Reading Challenge

My Progress:

78 / 100 names. 78% done!
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday: Bright, New Up-and-Comers (Part One)

Today's TTT prompt is: Top Ten Books On My Summer TBR List. Seasonal TBR lists are my favorite. I always get excited when I spy these prompts coming up! It's fun for me to not just plan out what I want to read in the upcoming season but also to see what everyone else has in their queues. Since I just posted about the books I'm planning to read for the 20 Books of Summer Challenge, though, I feel like I've already covered this topic. Luckily, I've got more than enough titles to fit next week's prompt—Top Ten Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024—so I'm going to skip ahead a bit and make this Part One of Two for that topic. Confused yet? Ha ha.

As always, Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl.

Top Ten Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024 (Part One)

1. 49 Miles Alone by Natalie D. Richards (available July 2)—In this YA thriller, two cousins head into the Utah backcountry for a four-day hiking/camping trip. After several mishaps leave them shaken, injured, and low on supplies, they're thrilled to come upon a couple who offers their help. The pair seems friendly enough until some late night confessions cast suspicion on one of them. When they both disappear one morning, the cousins are left confused and alone in the unforgiving desert. What is going on? How are they going to get help? And what kind of threats await them as they try to find their way out of the wilderness?

2. When the World Fell Silent by Donna Jones Alward (available July 19)—It's 1917 and the world is engulfed in war. Wanting to do her part, Nora Crowell of Halifax, Nova Scotia, enlists in the Canadian Army Nursing Corp. Newly widowed, Charlotte Campbell is living with her soldier husband's dismissive relatives, finding joy and solace only in her baby daughter. As the war rages on, the two women's lives collide in a surprising way, bringing both heartache and hope to both.

3. Maria: A Novel of Maria von Trapp by Michelle Moran (available July 30)—With World War II still very much fresh on everyone's minds, Oscar Hammerstein is asked to help produce a musical based on the life of Maria von Trapp, an Austrian nun who becomes a governess and then the wife of her wealthy employer. When Austria is overtaken by Nazis, the von Trapp family risked their lives to flee the country. The story has dramatic potential, even if Rogers and Hammerstein will have to romanticize Maria's tale a bit. When the real Maria reads the script, she's furious. Determined to set the record straight, she tells her true story to Hammerstein's secretary since the man Himself is not available. 

4. Return to Wyldcliffe Heights by Carol Goodman (available July 30)—Agnes Corey, a junior editor at an indie publishing company, gets the enviable assignment to transcribe the sequel to a blockbuster novel that was published thirty years ago. After that phenom, the author was blinded and scarred in a mysterious fire, then became a recluse, hiding away in her estate, which was once a psychiatric hospital. The more time Agnes spends there with the enigmatic author, the more intrigued she becomes with the story she's transcribing, which seems to be more than just fiction... 

5. My Salty Mary by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, and Jodi Meadows (available August 20)—I adore the Jane/Mary books with their playful alternate history/fantasy plots, upbeat narration, and colorful characters. They're never dull! The newest installment combines The Little Mermaid fairy tale with the life of real-life lady pirate Mary Read. Our Mary is a mermaid who's rescued by the crew of a pirate ship captained by Blackbeard himself. When he dies, she sees her opportunity to became the Pirate Queen. Anyone who tries to stand in her way or tell her a girl can't be a pirate can just walk the plank already. Nothing and no one will stop Mary from getting what she wants.

6. Here One Moment by Liane Moriarty (available September 10)—On an ordinary day aboard an ordinary plane flight, a group of passengers is given an extraordinary gift—they learn how and when they are going to die. Although it seems like a silly party trick, people soon begin perishing exactly as "The Death Lady" said they would. How will this knowledge change how the remaining passengers live their lives? What will they do with this illuminating information?  What would you do knowing the same?

7. A Split Second by Janae Marks (available October 1)—In this middle-grade mystery, Elise goes to sleep on her birthday and, somehow, wakes up six months later. Although no one else seems to notice anything is awry, everything has changed. Her friends aren't talking to her, she's somehow been signed up for photography club, and her former BFF is acting all chummy again. Elise has no idea what is going on. How can she fix things for her future self? Can she ever go back to the way things were?

Marks is also a contributor to a middle-grade short story anthology called Black Girl Power which comes out on November 12. I'm in for that one as well, especially since I'm the adoptive mother of a mixed-race daughter who very much embraces her Black girl power! 

8. The Bletchley Riddle by Ruta Sepetys and Steve Sheinkin (available October 8)—It's 1940 and two puzzle-loving siblings are hard at work trying to solve the mysteries surrounding them. While Jakob Novis joins other codebreakers at Bletchley Park who are trying to crack the Nazis' Enigma cipher, his younger sister, Lizzie, is determines to figure out the truth behind their mother's disappearance. The more the siblings study both, the more they begin to think the two might be linked somehow. With time running out, they need to solve both puzzles, and fast.

9. Misery Hates Company by Elizabeth Hobbs (available November 5)—Marigold Manners is a strong, independent woman, even if she no longer has a penny to her name. With her parents dead and her academic ambitions dashed, she has little choice but to answer a summons from a mysterious relative. Arriving at a crumbling pile full of reclusive relations, she determines to modernize their lives. Marigold's efforts end in murder, mayhem, and a police investigation with her at its center. It's up to the accused to find out what really happened before she winds up behind bars.

10. Heist Royale by Kayvion Lewis (available November 12)—I thoroughly enjoyed Thieves' Gambit, the first book in Lewis' new series about a teen from Barbados who comes from a notorious family of thieves. Although she would like to get out of the game and attend college like a normal person, Ross finds herself embroiled in the biggest gamble of her life. With her family's future hanging in the balance, she must rely on the one person she knows she can't trust to help her save them—no matter the cost.

There you go, ten upcoming releases I can't wait to read. Which new titles are you eagerly anticipating? I'd love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I will gladly return the favor on your blog.

Happy TTT!


  1. I love seeing other people's summer reading lists! The Bletchley Riddle looks super cute, and I also want to read 49 Miles Alone and Here One Moment. :D

    1. I finished 49 MILES ALONE. It's a page turner, for sure. I didn't end up loving it, but I liked it well enough.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lark!

  2. Maria! Maria Maria Mariaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--
    ....wait. Wrong musical. I'll have to look for that one to see if it's possible to solve a problem like Maria. (She waltzes on way to Mass and underneath her wimper she has CURLERS in her hair. -_-)

    1. "...I've even heard her singing in the abbey..." (Gasp!)

      I watched Sound of Music over and over as a kid because it was one of the few movies my dad would let us watch on the Sabbath. I still have it memorized :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Stephen!

  3. Ooo! Maria looks super interesting! That's not one I'd heard of, so thanks for the introduction! :)

    1. I think it sounds really intriguing as well. Hopefully, it's as good as it seems.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Rissi!

  4. I’m on my library’s waitlist for Maria. Can’t wait to read it!

    Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. I hope the waitlist moves quickly and that you enjoy the book when you get to read it!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lydia!

  5. Ohhh i need to read Maria too

    1. I hope we both enjoy it!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Vero!

  6. Great list, Susan! When the World Fell Silent sounds like something I would really enjoy. I may have to add that one to my list too. Have a great day!

    1. I'm always up for a good historical read. Hopefully, it's as good as it sounds. I hope you enjoy it if you end up reading it!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Stephanie!

  7. A Split Second looks like a fun read.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.


    1. I agree! I've enjoyed the other books I've read by Marks, so I'm sure I'll like this one as well.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Astilbe!

  8. Nice list, Susan! I've already got two of these on my list to highlight as 'Waiting On Wednesday' posts. Looking forward to more of these now and thanks for the heads-up!

    1. Great minds think alike :) I love that we have similar tastes in books because I always get great recommendations from you.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Kay!

  9. This is smart because it's always so hard to pick just 10 books I'm looking forward to! My Salty Mary.. I am so behind with those books!!

    1. Same! I always seem to end up making two-parter lists. I can't help it, I just get so excited sometimes. LOL

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Leslie!

  10. Maria sounds so interesting! It is fiction, though, so I'm still curious what the real Maria thought of Hammerstein's take.

    1. Same. I did read a non-fiction book about the Von Trapps years ago, but I don't remember anything about it. I'm definitely interested to know the "real" story and what parts of the movie were true-to-life and which weren't.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Tanya!

  11. Good list. I'm anxious to read Maria, too. A friend reviewed it this week if you are interestested

    1. Thanks for pointing me to your friend's review. I'm glad I read it. I think some of the same things that irritated her about the book would probably irritate me as well. I'm still going to read MARIA, but I appreciate the heads-up on some of its faults.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lisa!

  12. Oh I am DEFINITELY reading that first one, thanks for the tip! (...eventually anyway; I see my library has not ordered it. *sigh*)

    1. Well, it doesn't come out for another month still, so they have some time. Do you do NetGalley? That's where I got the e-ARC.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, RS!

  13. I haven't looked very far at what is being released yet for the second half of this year. I know I have a few on my TBR, but it will grow a lot next week ;)

    1. For sure! It's the best/worst thing about these kinds of lists. Our TBR lists have no chance :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Cindy!

  14. 49 Miles Alone sounds like something I need to read. I hope we both like it!

    1. It's okay. There's lots of action, so it's exciting and engrossing. The characters are pretty blah, though, and the plot gets really far-fetched. It kept me reading for sure.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, AJ!

  15. I'm definitely interested in the Liane Moriarty

    1. Are you on NetGalley? They have the e-ARC. That's where I got it. I haven't read it yet, but I'm definitely looking forward to it. I hope we both love it!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Bree!

  16. Replies
    1. Same. It's Sepetys, so I just know it's going to be good!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Emma!

  17. Sounds like a good list! Thanks for dropping by earlier!

    1. I hope so. I'm excited for them. I've read one so far and it was okay. Hopefully, the others will hit it out of the park for me. We'll see!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Athena!

  18. Sharing the love for Sepetys! 🙌 ~Carol @ ReadingLadies

    1. She's one of my auto-read authors. I've enjoyed all of her books so far, so I'm sure I'll like this one as well.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Carol!

  19. Some goodies up there. The Marys are always fun. A few years ago, we stayed at the Von Trapp lodge in VT, and Maria's granddaughter shared some stories with us. Their family history and Maria are quite interesting.

    1. Oh, really? That would be fascinating! I knew they had a lodge, but I didn't realize it was open to the public. Very cool.

      And, yes, I love the Jane/Mary books. They're just so entertaining. They make me smile.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Sam!

  20. Both Maria and Return to Wyldcliffe Heights are completely new to me, but going right on my watch list.

    1. Goodman is an auto-read author for me. I've read and enjoyed all her books. I hope we both enjoy these!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Louise!

  21. Oooh nice picks! These are some new to me ones. They look like intriguing reads! I hope you enjoy them all this summer!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

    1. I'm excited about them all, so hopefully they live up to my expectations. We'll see.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Jessica!

  22. Be still, my heart---The Sound of Music! I'm tempted to go out and buy Maria today!

    1. It doesn't come out until July 30, so you couldn't even if you wanted to! If you have NetGalley, you can snag an e-ARC, though. That's where I got mine :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Deb!

  23. I like having a look at lists too!

    A great looking list.

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

    1. It's killer for my already never-ending TBR list, but I can't resist! Ha ha.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Emily!

  24. I haven't heard of any of these titles but The Bletchley Riddle and A Split Second sound like books I'd really enjoy. I'm gonna throw those on my TBR watchlist 😍 I hope you enjoy all of these books if/when you get to them!

    1. Based on past Sepetys books, I'd say THE BLETCHLEY RIDDLE will be excellent. A SPLIT SECOND is a little different from Marks' other books, which I've enjoyed. It sounds fun, though, so I'm excited to read it. I hope we both enjoy these!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Dini!

  25. These all look so good! I see that My Salty Mary is third in a series, but it looks like it can stand alone too? It sounds like such a fun read. I'm also intrigued by Here One Moment and I'd love to read A Split Second–oddly enough, I've been wanting a story where a character wakes up six months later! Isn't that such an odd reading craving?

    1. Yes, the books all stand alone. For the most part, they take place in completely different worlds. They're just connected because they're all zany supernatural alternate history stories. The only exception is MY LADY JANE and MY CONTRARY MARY. There's a brief mention of some characters from the former in the latter, but it's not necessary to know anything about them going in. If you've already read MY LADY JANE, you'll be pleasantly surprised to see them again; if you haven't, it's no big deal.

      That's hilarious that you've been craving a book with that exact premise! The e-ARC of A SPLIT SECOND is on NetGalley. You should nab it if you use NG.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Karis!

  26. So many great books/authors to look forward to. happy summer reading!

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to these all for sure. Hopefully, they're as good as they sound :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Beverley!

  27. 49 Miles Alone sounds interesting! I still need to read the Jane/Mary books. I have the first couple but I haven't started them haha

    1. The Jane/Mary books are super fun! I've listened to them all on audio and they're especially enjoyable that way. I'm going to wait until MY SALTY MARY comes out in that format to read it. Hopefully, it won't take TOO long.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Molly!

  28. These all sound like very interesting reads!

    1. I sure hope they'll be as good as they sound!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Kyla!

  29. I knew about the My Lady Jane books but I had no idea there were Mary books too I am so intrigued and I really want to read those!

    1. I guess the authors ran out of Janes to write about! LOL. The Mary books are in the same vein, they just feature heroines named Mary instead of Jane.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Veros!

  30. Maria sounds... interesting? It could be really good, I think? I'll look forward to hearing more. I need to catch up on all the Jane/Mary books, but My Salty Mary is definitely one I'm looking forward to!

    1. I'll be interested to see what I think of MARIA. I just read a thoughtful review of it (see the link that Lisa @Hopwell's Library of Life left above) that makes me a tad leery about it, but I'm still going to read it and see what my take is.

      MY SALTY MARY sounds really fun. I love a good pirate story! I hope we both enjoy it.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lisa!

  31. I've been meaning to read the Jane/Mary books for ages, they seem like so much fun. Hope you'll love all of this!

    1. They really are so much fun! I've enjoyed them so much on audio. They just make me smile :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lindsey!

  32. These sound like some fun books! I hope you enjoy reading them!

    Here’s my TTT for this week:

    1. I hope so too! It's such a disappointment when books you're really looking forward to aren't as good as they sound. Fingers crossed that these will be winners for me or at least not TOO bad. Ha ha.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicole!

  33. Great list! I remember being intrigued by Lewis's first book, but I never got around to picking it up. I'm glad to see you liked it. Maybe I'll finally get around to it once the sequel gets closer. I hope you enjoy all of these!

    1. THIEVES' GAMBIT is a fun read. It's a chunkster, but it moves pretty fast. I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to the sequel (which is available on NetGalley, if you're interested).

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Chris!

  34. That's a fun bunch! I'm curious about Heist Royale... :o

    1. I really liked THIEVES' GAMBIT. It's totally far-fetched, but it's lots of fun! I'm hoping HEIST ROYALE is just as entertaining.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Nicky!

  35. I hope these all ends up being fantastic reads!

    1. Me too :)

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Alicia!

  36. This looks like a great range of books. I like the sound of The Bletchley Riddle (and love that cover) and Misery Hates Company. They're both new-to-me so might add them to my TBR list.

    1. I'm excited for both of them. I've got e-ARCs of both, so I think I'll read MISERY HATES COMPANY next. We'll see.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Pages and Tea!

  37. Heist Royale sounds amazing! There's something about books with heists/ thieves that I love 😂 especially if there's good scheming involved. Will definitely check out this series!

    Happy TTT!

    1. THIEVES' GAMBIT is really fun, so I assume HEIST ROYALE will be more of the same. I like a diverting heist story now and again!

      Thanks for popping in, Jane!

  38. I've got more summer reads than I know what to do with right now. Definitely going to be a big push to get through this TBR!

    1. It seems like for every book I cross off my list, I add ten more. It's never ending! Good luck with tackling your summer TBR list.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Ethan!

  39. Thanks for keeping me in the loop--I'm intrigued by a Maria von Trapp book by Michelle Moran and I've been meaning to read My Lady Jane, and now you tell me she's got one on Mary Read?!

    1. Yep! So fun, right? I love the Jane/Mary books. They're all kinds of entertaining!

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting!

  40. I'll have the Bletchley Riddle on my list for next week! I will read anything Ruta writes :)

    1. Same! She's incredible. I hope we both enjoy THE BLETCHLEY RIDDLE (I'm sure we will).

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Jaime!

  41. I just made this list for next week but none of the books you list made it on mine. So now I've just about doubled by TBR!

    1. Sorry/not sorry! Ha ha. I look forward to seeing what's on your list for tomorrow.

      Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Katherine!

  42. I didn't realize there were even more books coming out with the jane/mary line. I still have to pick up the first one at some point.

  43. I had absolutely no idea that My Lady Jane was still ongoing! And the next one comes out on my birthday. :D So I guess I'll have to see what you think of it!

  44. Lots of interesting books here, Susan. I have the Maria books and Bletchley Riddle on my list today. Off to check part 2.

  45. Wow, you've got such a great collection of books! There are so many that sound interesting here, and I haven't heard of a bunch of them, but will add them onto my TBR now. Thanks for the heads up, and I really hope that you enjoy them all when you get to read them!


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