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2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

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53 / 80 skills. 66% done!
Monday, May 10, 2021

Shout-It-From-the-Rooftops Amazing? No. Engrossing and Enjoyable? Yes!

(Image from Barnes & Noble)

Note:  Although this review will not contain spoilers for A Trail of Lies, it may inadvertently reveal plot surprises from earlier Jazz Ramsey mysteries.  As always, I recommend reading books in a series in order.

Jazz Ramsey is crazy about Nick Kolesov, her cop boyfriend.  His mom?  Not so much.  Kim's not only a lousy mother, but she's also an alcoholic with a flair for the dramatic.  So, when Jazz answers a phone call in the middle of the night to hear Kim raving about how she's just killed a man who was trying to break into her home, Jazz isn't sure what to think.  There's no evidence of trespassing at Kim's house, nor a body in the drunk woman's yard.  Most likely, her wild bender caused her to hallucinate the whole sordid affair.  The fact that Wally—the human remains detection dog that Jazz is training—finds no evidence of human decomposition on the property confirms it.

Then, a body is discovered in a local park.  Murder isn't uncommon in Cleveland, but what is weird is the photograph the dead man had in his pocket.  The snapshot clearly shows Kim holding an infant Nick.  Although Kim swears she doesn't know Dan Mansfield and had nothing to do with his death, Jazz can tell she's lying.  Who was Dan?  Why was he killed?  Although Nick insists Jazz stay out of it, she's not about to back down now.  She can't rest until she finds out what happened, why, and what exactly Nick and his mother aren't telling her.  

I've enjoyed all the books in the Jazz Ramsey mystery series by Kylie Logan and A Trail of Lies (available May 12, 2021), the third installment, is no exception.  While the main characters are kind of ho-hum, they're definitely likable.  Jazz's warm, strong bond with her family is palpable and is one of the highlights of the series.  The working dog aspect is my other favorite element, although I never feel like the canines get enough stage time.  As far as the mystery in this one goes, it's actually a lot twistier than I expected it to be.  I did not see the killer coming at all.  So, while there's nothing super original or shout-it-from-the-rooftops amazing about the book, A Trail of Lies is still an engaging, engrossing read that I enjoyed.  I'm excited to see where the series goes next.

(Readalikes:  Reminds me of other books in the Jazz Ramsey series, including The Scent of Murder and The Secrets of Bones as well as A Borrowing of Bones by Paula Munier)


If this were a movie, it would be rated:

for brief, mild language (no F-bombs), violence, and sexual innuendo

To the FTC, with love:  I received an ARC of A Trail of Lies from the generous folks at Minotaur Books (an imprint of St. Martin's Press) in exchange for an honest review.  Thank you!


  1. Oh shoot, the third one's out already? I still haven't read the second one. Sigh, I'm always behind. I did like the first one though. :)

  2. I have the first book in the series but somehow never actually read it. This one sounds especially intriguing even it wasn't the most amazing ever. I'm looking forward to starting this one!

  3. I keep saying that I am going to start this series. I like stories where animals are in integral part of the story. Nice review Susan.

  4. This series is new to me, but it sounds pretty good from what you guys say (including the comments). I just can't read fast enough to start ANOTHER new series. I'm in the middle of something over a dozen of them right now...but it's going on the list for later.

  5. I want Shout-It-From-the-Rooftops, though...

  6. A crazy drunk woman claiming she killed someone? Sounds intriguing to me!


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