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Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Top Ten Tuesday: HappyMerryChristBirthMas to Me!
9:14 AM
There are so many things to love about today. Not only is it a few days before my favorite holiday, but it's also my birthday (which I share with my dad), and Top Ten Tuesday. Talk about a delightful trifecta! My dad and I live in different states, so unfortunately, we don't get to celebrate our special day together very often. The Norman Rockwell-ish picture above is from a family party in 2013. It's not a great shot of either of us, but I think it shows how much we love each other :) I hope you are feeling lots of love this season as well, even if the holidays look a little different this year. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Today's Top Ten Tuesday (hosted by Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl) has a Christmas theme (naturally). It's all about the treasures we're hoping to find under the tree this year. Honestly, I live a very charmed and blessed life, so I already have everything I could possibly want and need. Having all my babies happy, healthy, and home for Christmas is all the gift I need in this crazy year. Still, if Santa really, REALLY wanted to spoil me, he could check this list twice:
Top Ten Bookish Things I Hope Santa Brings
- I bought my Harry Potter books as they came out, so they're old. They've been loved so much that they're tattered and torn. I'd love a clean, new set.
- Speaking of HP, my sister just snagged a pair of these fun socks at the grocery store of all places. She really should have grabbed an extra pair for me, don't you think? I think Santa should leave her coal and bring me some of these cute feet-warmers.
- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is my favorite book of all time. This special Barnes & Noble edition is gorgeous.
- Since Santa can make magic happen, I'd love a newly-published Kate Morton book on December 25th, please and thank you! It's so hard to be patient when it comes to new books by my favorite authors ...
- And while we're dealing in Christmas miracles, how about a paper copy of The Good Turn by Dervla McTiernan? It was supposed to come out in the U.S. pre-COVID, but that never happened. The book has been released in Australia and it can be ordered via Amazon for $40.48. As much as I love McTiernan, I'm not paying that kind of money for her newest book! Santa and his elves can just magic a copy to me, right?
- I do a lot of reading on my iPad, but it's kind of heavy, so this Flippy Multi-Angle Soft Pillow Lap Stand would be super helpful.
- These Puffin hardcover classics are beautiful. How 'bout a set, Santa?
- I love the idea of book-themed subscription boxes, but I'm not enough of a risk-taker to spend a bunch of money on something I might now love. If the Big Guy wanted to sign me up for one gratis? I wouldn't complain.
- Aren't these Little Women quote pencils adorable? Too bad they're out of stock ...
- This puzzle is so cool! It gets kind of dubious reviews on Amazon, so I decided not to buy it for myself, but I still love the picture.
Obviously, Christmas isn't about what fills Santa's sack, but I still hope he brings you something fun that makes you smile. What are you hoping to find under the tree on Christmas morning? I'd truly love to know. Leave me a comment on this post and I'll gladly return the favor on your blog.
Happy TTT!
Comments make me feel special, so go crazy! Just keep it clean and civil. Feel free to speak your mind (I always do), but be aware that I will delete any offensive comments.
P.S.: Don't panic if your comment doesn't show up right away. I have to approve each one before it posts to prevent spam. It's annoying, but it works!
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Happy birthday! I hope it's a lovely one for you.
ReplyDeleteWarm socks were on my list, too. :)
My post.
I don't have very good circulation, so I LOVE warm socks :)
DeleteThanks for coming by, Lydia!
Happy Birthday, Susan! I hope it's a good one. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! I had a great day with the family. Calm and relaxing. My favorite kind of day :)
DeleteThanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Lark!
So.much.guilt!!! I will have to get some for you! They are super soft and warm!
ReplyDeleteKidding, kidding! You're still my favorite little sister. And you'd never get coal for Christmas - you're too nice :) I love you, Pee Wee!
DeleteHappy birthday! I hope these gifts make it to you! Warm socks are the best!
ReplyDeleteI agree! My toes are always cold this time of year. I did buy myself a nice pair of slippers for my birthday, but I do love warm, fuzzy socks as well.
DeleteThanks for stopping by, Deanna!
I love the tablet pillow. I am always propping my kindle because of my arthritis. Hope you have a wonderful birthday and holiday!
ReplyDeleteSame! I've got frozen shoulder on my left side, so I'm constantly trying to balance my iPad so it doesn't put more strain on my bum side, but that just ends up with both of my shoulders and arms hurting! I think I'm going to give the tablet pillow a try.
DeleteThanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Sam!
I love the Puffin books! In fact, I would take any of these gifts on your list!
ReplyDeleteYou and me both! The Puffin books are beautiful. I love them. My favorite indie bookstore gives out a big discount on books during your birthday month, so I might have to take advantage of that and buy a Puffin set for myself.
DeleteThanks for stopping in, Debra!
Happy birthday!
ReplyDeleteThose hardcover classics really are lovely.
They really are! They're also expensive, unfortunately and it's hard to justify buying them just because they're pretty when I already have copies of the novels. LOL.
DeleteThanks for coming by, Nicole!
Happy Birthday, Susan. I hope you have a really great one despite all of the limitations that 2020 brought us.
ReplyDeleteLove your list. I've never bought one of those B&N special editions, but that one is really tempting since it's one of my all-time favorite books.
Thanks, Sam! I did have a lovely birthday. We had a family lunch at our favorite Mexican restaurant - the weather was lovely, so we sat outside and had a fun time together. Then, I took a long nap. At night, we piled the kids into the truck, bought hot cocoa, and drove around looking at Christmas lights. It was great all around.
DeleteSame here. The copy I have of TKAM is a mass market paperback and while it's still perfectly serviceable, it's not very pretty! Still, I can't quite bring myself to pay the money for the B&N one, even though it's gorgeous.
Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Sam!
Happy birthday!! I love your positive spirit. Nice list of things in your post and I hope Santa Brings them all to you.
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you! I try to be positive even in rough times. It helps me get through anything that comes my way, including a pandemic :)
DeleteThanks for stopping by!
Happy birthday! Cozy socks are the best! And I agree, subscription book boxes are intriguing, but not enough to buy myself. 😊 Hope you have a lovely holiday! Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteExactly! It seems like they come with all kinds of stuff that's fun but that I wouldn't actually use. I'd rather spend the money on buying the books I know I want.
DeleteMerry Christmas to you as well! Thanks for coming by.
Happy birthday to you and your dad!
ReplyDeleteI have that edition of To Kill a Mockingbird and love it!
I would love a book subscription box but there's no room for one in our lifestyle right now. I've asked for a tea subscription box for Christmas instead.
Merry Christmas!
Thanks! I love sharing a birthday with my dad, even if we rarely get to celebrate it together anymore.
DeleteA tea subscription box makes sense for your lifestyle! It's fun but doesn't take up much room. Nice.
Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Jen!
Happy Birthday to you and your dad! I hope you're having a wonderful and relaxing day. And Christmas is just a few days away so I hope your whole week is grand. Great gift list. I highly recommend Book of the Month because you only pay for what you want and can pass in months you don't like the book choices.
ReplyDeleteI am having a lovely week so far! I put off doing my big holiday cooking/baking trip until today, so that's what I have to look forward to today. Ha ha.
DeleteI have heard good things about BOM. I might have to check that out. I like not having to pay for anything you don't want.
Thanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Helen!
Happy Birthday Susan. I hope you get some of these items under your tree or in your stocking, or for your birthday, lots of choices for those gift givers out there. 🎈🎁🎄🎅
ReplyDeleteHa ha. There's really no reason at all for my loved ones not to give me a gift this month :) I've gotten some lovely presents already, plus very sweet messages, texts, and phone calls. I've felt very loved.
DeleteThanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Carla!
We got the lap/iPad pillow thing for my son and it's fabulous! Definitely worth buying if it doesn't find it's way under your tree. I love cozy socks and second the Kate Morton book! Happy birthday and Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteOh, good! I think I am going to buy it for myself. I know for sure that there are going to be some cozy socks in my stocking. Sometimes you just have to be your own Santa, you know?
DeleteThanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Katherine!
I wish you the happiest of Happy Birthdays!! Yay, a fellow December baby :)
ReplyDeleteThanks so much! I love having a December birthday. I know a lot of December babies hate it, but I've always loved it. This is my favorite time of the year, hands down!
DeleteThanks for stopping by, Natalie!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Wishing you and your family a Blessed and Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2021. I hope Santa brings you everything you want.
Thank you so much for the well wishes, Marilyn! Same to you and yours :) Thanks for coming by.
DeleteI hope you have a Merry Christmas and that Santa brought some of these things for you!! I LOVE those Puffin editions and bought them myself. I love looking at them on my bookshelves!
ReplyDeleteI'm super, super tempted to just go ahead and buy the Puffins! You're helping to convince me :)
DeleteThanks for stopping by, Leslie!
Happy Birthday! And I totally get wanting a new HP set. I want the new UK set, even though I have perfectly fine US hardcovers. I probably won't get them, but they're sooo pretty.
ReplyDeleteHope you get some of the items on your list! Thanks for visiting Shell's Stories!
Same! It's hard to justify the cost of buying a whole new set when my old set is still serviceable. Some of the new editions are so gorgeous, though!
DeleteThanks for coming by, Shell!
Happy Birthday for yesterday, Susan!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Cath! It was a lovely day, all around.
DeleteThanks, as always, for coming by and commenting!
Happy birthday, Susan! I hope you've a wonderful time with your family! That's a great list and I hope you'll receive what you want for your Christmas gifts! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Melody! I've had a lovely week already and I'm looking forward to all the Christmas Eve and Christmas activity still to come.
DeleteThanks for stopping by!
Beautiful wishes.
ReplyDeleteHappy, happy Birthday 🎂
and a very merry Christmas 🎄
Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.
Thanks so much, Marianne! This is such a fun time of year for me :) Merry Christmas to you as well.
DeleteThanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, Marianne!
DeleteI love your list! It is nice how you added in book-related gifts along with your titles. The pencils and the pillow are so neat.
ReplyDeleteThanks for visiting my blog yesterday. Happy birthday and Merry Christmas!
I feel like I talk about the same books over and over, so I wanted to change up my list a little bit this week :) I do love those pencils - they'd make perfect stocking stuffers, wouldn't they?
DeleteThanks for the well wishes and for stopping by today, Cheryl!
Lovely list!! I have that version of the "To Kill A Mockingbird" and I love it. It is so pretty! My mom, sister and I loved the book so much that we named our dog, Boo Arthur Radley aka "BRadley" after Boo in the book!
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by HerBookishDesires. I really appreciate it! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Oh, I love that! A bookish dog name. So fun.
DeleteThanks for coming by, Maya!
I love your list! Those hard cover books are gorgeous. I also love the idea of book themed socks! Thanks so much for visiting Long and Short Reviews!
ReplyDeleteI love beautiful hardcover books. I just wish they weren't so dang expensive!
DeleteThanks for stopping by, Poinsettia!
Oh my goodness, you've got some great things on this list! I kind of want those Little Women pencils!! ;)
ReplyDeleteAren't they cute? If they were in stock, I would totally buy some right now.
DeleteThanks for coming by, Christine!
Happy birthday and merry Christmas! If I had pretty bookshelves, I’d get nice hardcover editions of my favorite classics. I have nowhere to display them right now.
ReplyDeleteAj @ Read All The Things!
I have pretty bookshelves, but they're already full! I need to clean them out, then maybe I'll get some pretty hardcover classics.
DeleteThanks for stopping in, AJ!
What a fun post idea! So enchanting to read, and everything on your list is so wonderful that it makes me wish I could win the lottery so I could *become* Book Santa for everyone on TTT. (and other reasons, sure, but fulfilling wishes would be a good one)
ReplyDeleteRight? How wonderful would that be to have the means to make everyone's Christmas wishes come true?
DeleteThanks, as always, for coming by and commenting, RS!
I love those Little Women pencils!
ReplyDeleteThey're fun, aren't they? If they had been in stock I would have bought them for my stocking :) Maybe next year.
DeleteThanks for stopping in, Jess!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday and a lovely Christmas and that you got lots of goodies from your list. :)