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2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (Hosted by Yours Truly)

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31 / 30 books. 103% done!

2024 Literary Escapes Challenge

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My Progress:

51 / 51 states. 100% done!

2024 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

My Progress:

46 / 50 books. 92% done!

2024 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

36 / 50 books. 72% done!

Booklist Queen's 2024 Reading Challenge

My Progress:

52 / 52 books. 100% done!

2024 52 Club Reading Challenge

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50 / 52 books. 96% done!

2024 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

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36 / 40 books. 90% done!

2024 Pioneer Book Reading Challenge

17 / 40 books. 43% done!

2024 Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge

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21 / 25 books. 84% done!

2024 Medical Examiner's Mystery Reading Challenge

2024 Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge

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20 / 26.2 miles (3rd lap). 76% done!

Mount TBR Reading Challenge

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40 / 100 books. 40% done!

2024 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

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96 / 109 books. 88% done!

Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

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52 / 52 books. 100% done!

Disney Animated Movies Reading Challenge

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127 / 165 books. 77% done!

The 100 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. Reading Challenge

My Progress:

78 / 100 names. 78% done!
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

TTT: Re-Reads for Non Re-Readers

It's been a little while since I did a Top Ten Tuesday and, honestly, I almost skipped this week because of the topic—Top Ten Books I Could Re-Read Forever.  Thing is, I'm not much of a re-reader.  I have a sky-high stack of new reads that I want to get to, so going back to something I've already read seems like a waste of time.  Once I got to thinking about it, though, I realized I do have a few favorites that I don't mind re-reading from time to time.  I'll get to that in a sec.

First, though, I want to encourage you to join in the TTT fun.  It really is a good time and a great way to explore the wondrous book blogging world.  If you want to discover new blogs to enjoy, add a ton of great recommendations to your TBR pile, or just drop in on old friends, TTT is the meme for you.  All you have to do is click on over to That Artsy Reader Girl, read a few instructions, then make your own list, and start visiting others.  

Okay, here we go with my list of the Top Ten Books I Could Re-Read Forever:

1.  The whole Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling—Who wouldn't want to re-visit Hogwarts over and over again?  I love the characters, the world, the stories, everything.  If I was stuck on a deserted island, I'd want the box set to keep me entertained.

2.  To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee—This is my favorite book of all time and one I could definitely re-read forever without tiring of it.

3.  Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery—Despite the fact that this novel is about 90% lengthy, flowery description, I love it so much that I could read it a million times over.  

4.  Little Women by Louisa May Alcott—Ditto for this novel.  I love it more with every re-read.

5.  Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr., and John Archambault—Because all my children have adored this book, it's probably the one I've re-read most in my life.  With its fun, upbeat rhythm it's a popular readaloud that my kids requested for bedtime stories over and over and over.  I have it memorized and so does my 9-year-old.  We don't even need to look at the book to re-read it!

6.  A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens—I re-read this holiday classic every December to put me in the Christmas spirit.   

7.  Are You Grumpy, Santa? by Gregg and Evan Spiridellis—This is another fun readaloud that my kids love.  I'm a pretty big fan, too, since I totally relate to Santa's plight!

8.  The Armand Gamache series by Louise Penny—So, I haven't actually finished this series yet, but that's because I'm taking it slow and really savoring it.  I can definitely see myself re-reading it in the future.  Even though it's a mystery series, it's really more about the characters at its core, which means that you can enjoy it again and again even if you already know "whodunit." 

9.  The Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer—As with #8, I'm still reading this series for the first time.  The author died recently, so once again I'm taking my time with these books knowing they will be the only ones Meyer will ever write.  They're so funny and delightful, though, that I can definitely see myself re-reading the whole series in future.

10.  The scriptures (Holy Bible; The Book of Mormon; The Doctrine and Covenants; etc.)—On a more serious note,  I have to include the scriptures.  Not because these volumes are riveting page turners, but because they give me great insight and inspiration.  No matter how many times I read them, I find new gems every time I delve inside.  It will take eternal re-readings for me to even begin to understand them! 

What do you think of my list?  What's on yours?  I'd love to know, so please leave me a comment on this post with a link to your blog/list.  I will gladly return the favor.

Happy TTT!


  1. I forgot about the HP series. Those are definitely worth numerous rereads.

    1. Agreed. I feel like there is so much in them that something new pops up with every re-read.

  2. Yes, to many of these. I love to reread books. And I've done bunches of it. I think, if you decide to reread the Penny books, you'll see things you didn't see before.

    1. Definitely! Her books are so detailed and rich that I'm sure I will find new delights with every re-read.

  3. I have also re-read the Harry Potter series. I don't usually re-read since there are so many wonderful books out there, but I've also re-read Barbara Kingsolver's Animal Dreams

    1. I'm in the middle of re-reading the HP series. It takes awhile :)

  4. I like your take on this week's topic. Since you like to reread Anne of Green Gables, you should join our readalong! :D

    1. I really should, but I've got so many other books I need to get to!

  5. Yes to absolutely everything on your list. Harry Potter is worth reading a million times, as is Anne of Green Gables. I lost count of the number of times I've read the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

    And Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is a staple in my house! Every one of my kids has heard it dozens of times.

    1. Great minds think alike :) I don't think I've ever met a child who doesn't like Chicka Chicka. It's just SO much fun!

  6. I'm with you on the Harry Potter books; I can always seem to reread those. :)

    1. For sure. I don't think I'll ever get tired of HP!

  7. I'm right with you on so many of these! Anne especially was my comfort book- the reading equivalent of hot chocolate or mac and cheese. :)

    1. Definitely! It's such a great book for so many reasons.

  8. #1 - harry potter - it's already on three blogger's list but it would be on my list except when I read a book and if it's a series, I would want to read the whole series at once and harry potter is quite long

    #2 - I read it a few times and I think it's quite a perfect book so I didn't want to read the other version, I already forgot the name, something with a watch in the title

    #3 - oh yes, another favorite of mine though I think the later books aren't really about anne so that was a bit disappointing

    #4 - for some reason, I never seem to like this book, I don't even know why

    #5, 6,7,8, 9,10 - having read any of these so I can't comment on them.

    good list, have a lovely day.

    1. HP is a super long series. Worth it, though.

      I didn't mind GO SET A WATCHMAN, but I can see why some people hated it. It's nowhere near as awesome as TKAM, that's for sure.

      You know, I've actually never read any of the other Anne books! I need to do that.

      I love LITTLE WOMEN, but not everyone's a fan and that's okay :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. There are so many good books on this list! Harry Potter made my list, too.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Harry Potter pretty much makes ALL my lists :)

  10. Awesome list! I definitely want to reread Harry Potter too!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. That's the great thing about rich novels like the HP ones -- there are so many details that you find new things every time you re-read!

  11. I'm due for a re-read on To Kill a Mockingbird. And I almost forgot about the Bloody Jack books! I don't think I ever finished the series, so I definitely have to get on that.

    1. Bloody Jack is not exactly a short series, so I can see how you might not have gotten around to finishing it. I've still got several books to go, but I love the series so much. It's funny and exciting and just a joy all-around.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I really need to read To Kill a Mockingbird again. I read it as a kid and don't remember a whole lot about it!

    I read Little Women over and over again when I was young, plus the books after. Loooved them!

    Still Life was good! I read it last year and haven't read any of the next ones yet, but I'm looking forward to them.
    - Allison |

    1. Yes, you definitely need to re-read TKAM. I didn't understand or appreciate most of it the first time I read it, so I'm glad I've revisited it several times since.

      You definitely need to read the rest of the Armand Gamache series. It's such a good one!

  13. I read A Christmas Carol for the first time last year and loved it. I can definitely see it going on the reread list. Same with the Armand Gamache series. I'm looking forward to catching up on that. Have a great week!

    1. A CHRISTMAS CAROL is a novella, so it reads really fast. If it were a typical-length Dickens novel, I probably would not re-read it every year!

  14. I have been loving the Inspector Gamache series, too! I just have to read the most recent book. I totally agree, though, that the books are more than just mysteries, I love the characters so much!

    1. That's my favorite thing about the series! The characters are unique and complex and flawed and just so real. I love them all (even when they do naughty things)!

  15. Harry Potter was on my list this week too!
    My TTT:

    1. HP is almost always on my TTT lists. It's the best :)

  16. Hi! I bet I would love Are You Grumpy Santa? :)
    My TTT

    1. It's a fun book! My kids think it's hilarious.

  17. I'm not big on re-reading either for the same reason, but I've read Chica Chica Boom Boom many many times!

    1. It's one I actually enjoy reading repeatedly. My kids had other favorites that made me say, "No! Please! Not that one!" Ha ha.

      Thanks for stopping by, Laura!

  18. You have a great list of books.
    Some I'm familiar with, others not.

    Thanks for stopping by New Horizon Reviews!!

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I'm glad to have discovered your blog today :)

  19. I loved bed the Anne of Green Gables series. That would be a fun series to reread.

    1. I can't believe I've only read the first one (several times) but never continued with the series. I need to!

  20. So many great books on your list!

  21. Yay for HP, it's totally dominating the topic!


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