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2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (Hosted by Yours Truly)

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My Progress:

17 / 30 books. 57% done!

2024 Literary Escapes Challenge

- Alabama (1)
- Alaska
- Arizona (1)
- Arkansas
- California (5)
- Colorado (1)
- Connecticut
- Delaware (1)
- Florida
- Georgia (1)
- Hawaii (1)
- Idaho (2)
- Illinois (2)
- Indiana (4)
- Iowa (1)
- Kansas (1)
- Kentucky (1)
- Louisiana (1)
- Maine (1)
- Maryland
- Massachusetts (2)
- Michigan (1)
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska (1)
- Nevada (1)
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey (1)
- New Mexico (1)
- New York (5)
- North Carolina (4)
- North Dakota
- Ohio (1)
- Oklahoma (1)
- Oregon (2)
- Pennsylvania (2)
- Rhode Island (1)
- South Carolina (1)
- South Dakota
- Tennessee (1)
- Texas (3)
- Utah (1)
- Vermont (2)
- Virginia (2)
- Washington (2)
- West Virginia (1)
- Wisconsin (1)
- Wyoming
- Washington, D.C.* (1)

- Australia (2)
- Canada (2)
- England (12)
- France (1)
- Indonesia (1)
- Ireland (4)
- Italy (1)
- Scotland (2)
- The Netherlands (1)

My Progress:

39 / 51 states. 76% done!

2024 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

My Progress:

33 / 50 books. 66% done!

2024 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

24 / 50 books. 48% done!

Booklist Queen's 2024 Reading Challenge

My Progress:

50 / 52 books. 96% done!

2024 52 Club Reading Challenge

My Progress:

43 / 52 books. 83% done!

2024 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

My Progress:

30 / 40 books. 75% done!

2024 Pioneer Book Reading Challenge

16 / 40 books. 40% done!

2024 Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge

My Progress:

12 / 25 books. 48% done!

2024 Medical Examiner's Mystery Reading Challenge

2024 Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge

My Progress

22 / 26.2 miles (2nd lap). 84% done!

Mount TBR Reading Challenge

My Progress

31 / 100 books. 31% done!

2024 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

My Progress:

76 / 104 books. 73% done!

Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

My Progress

50 / 52 books. 96% done!

Disney Animated Movies Reading Challenge

My Progress

91 / 165 books. 55% done!
Thursday, December 16, 2010

1 Skinny Sixth Grader + 1 Swirlie-Loving Bully + The First Day of Middle School = Disaster

(Image from Indiebound)

What do you get when you mix one scrawny 11-year-old, one swirlie-loving bully, one ex-best friend and the first day of middle school? A disaster, that's what. David Greenberg isn't exactly thrilled to be starting junior high, especially since he and his closest pal had a big fight. Now, David has to navigate the confusing world of Harman Middle School all on his own. To make things worse, his BFF's now hanging with the biggest bully in town. Their favorite target? You guessed it. David Greenberg.

At least David's troubles give him plenty of fodder for his online talk show. With the help of Hammy, his talented pet, David just knows that someday he's going to be as famous as his idol, Jon Stewart. When a new friend spreads the word about his videos, TalkTime goes viral. Suddenly, David's getting hundreds of hits and comments. He's an Internet sensation. Only his popularity doesn't follow him to school. If anything, it makes him a bigger target for the bullies. What's a short, nerdy sixth grader to do? Can he handle being a star? Can he make it out of middle school alive? As David treads the treacherous waters of middle school, he'll learn a whole lot about family, friendship, and the importance of following your dreams.

How to Survive Middle School by Donna Gephart is a laugh-out-loud funny story that perfectly captures the ups and downs of preadolesence. David's an engaging narrator, completely lovable and empathetic. Kids will find his woes familiar, his triumphs encouraging. With an engrossing plotline, interesting characters, and an upbeat tone, this charming treat of a novel is perfect for children dreading the jump from elementary to middle school and their parents (who are dreading it even more). I loved it. Hamster and all.

(Readalikes: Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney [sans illustrations])

Grade: B+

If this were a movie, it would be rated: PG for very mild sexual innuendo

To the FTC, with love: I received a finished copy of How to Survive Middle School from the very generous Donna Gephart. Thank you!


  1. Dear Susan,
    I'm delighted that How to Survive Middle School was one of the 200 books you are reading this year.
    Thank you for your generous review. I feel like you really "got" what the book is about -- family, friendship, following your dreams.
    Best wishes for a happy, healthy, book-filled holiday season,

  2. Sounds like a fun book! I love the cover!


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