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2025 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

2 / 30 books. 7% done!

2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

2025 Cover Lovers Reading Challenge (hosted by Yours Truly)

My Progress:

13 / 50 books. 26% done!

2025 Literary Escapes Challenge

- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado (2)
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts (1)
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York (2)
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio (1)
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island (1)
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont (1)
- Virginia
- Washington (1)
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
- Washington, D.C.*

- England (1)
- France (1)
- Puerto Rico (1)

My Progress:

7 / 51 states. 14% done!

2025 Historical Fiction Reading Challenge

My Progress:

6 / 50 books. 12% done!

2025 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

2025 POPSUGAR Reading Challenge

My Progress:

10 / 50 words. 20% done!

Booklist Queen's 2025 Reading Challenge

My Progress:

12 / 52 books. 23% done!

2025 52 Club Reading Challenge

My Progress:

12 / 52 books. 23% done!

2025 Build Your Library Reading Challenge

My Progress:

9 / 40 books. 23% done!

2025 Craving for Cozies Reading Challenge

My Progress:

5 / 25 cozies. 20% done!

2025 Medical Examiner Mystery Reading Challenge

2025 Mystery Marathon Reading Challenge

My Progress

8 / 26.2 miles. 31% done!

2025 Mount TBR Reading Challenge

My Progress

4 / 100 books. 4% done!

2025 Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge

My Progress:

13 / 109 books. 12% done!

2025 Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

My Progress

13 / 52 books. 25% done!

The 100 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. Reading Challenge

My Progress:

91 / 100 names. 91% done!

The Life Skills Reading Challenge

My Progress:

53 / 80 skills. 66% done!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Slumpy, Grumpy Giveaway

I don't experience book slumps very often. I always want to read, and I have more than enough books laying around to fuel my obsession hobby. But sometimes, like this week, nothing seems to strike my fancy. I pick up a book, read a few lines, then pick up another one, read a few lines and ... nyeh. Nothing grabs me. After stopping and starting a dozen different books (and changing my "Currently Reading" status abou a million times), I finally settled on Crow Lake by Mary Lawson. It's bleak, but really engrossing. I should finish it today - look for a review tonight or tomorrow.

In the meantime, since I've been feeling a little "slumpy" and grumpy (since I got a ticket yesterday for making a "wide, improper left turn" - grrrr ... I should have realized the police would be out en force for St. Paddy's), I'm going to do another giveaway. Yes, I'm just that generous. Actually, no I'm not - you have Tolly Moseley, a publicist with Phenix & Phenix to thank. So, here's what's up for grabs:

I have 3 copies of Chicken Soup for the Empty Nesters Soul. You're probably all familiar with the Chicken Soup books by Jack Canfield & Co., which offer poems/stories/inspirational thoughts about every subject under the sun. This one deals with - you guessed it - empty nesters. This volume contains 101 short (1-2 page) vignettes and poems that range from sentimental ("Taking Flight," "Coming Home") to hilarious ("The Whiz Kid," "Help! The Mothers Are Coming"). It makes for quick, light reading that's perfect for anyone who finds themselves facing (or about to face) an empty nest. Even if you're not at this stage, the book would make a great gift. So, what do you have to do to get your hands on a copy? Just answer a simple question: What's the first thing you're going to do (or the first thing you did do) when your children all fly the coop? Use your imaginations - I can't wait to hear the answers! I will draw the names of 3 winners on March 30. The giveaway is open to readers anywhere in the world. Good luck!

(Book Image from Barnes & Noble)


  1. I am going to Hawaii or on a cruise with my hubby! That will be in like 20+ years though.:) My in-laws are just starting as empty nester's. I'm sure they would love this book!:)

  2. First thing I will do is reclaim some closet space as my own!

    Love your blog... my to-do list (aka books-to-read list) is growing, growing, growing!

  3. As you well know, I basically gutted the teenage boy bedroom (it took me half a day to spackle all the holes from posters, etc., and created a place for my grandbabies. Nathan was slightly offended, but he got over it.

    (And truly, who needs a museum to past athletic glories in their home anyway?)

  4. Made wild love in the living room in front of the roaring fire in front of God and..... Love You, Mom

  5. Oh my gosh, Mom! I SOOO did not want to know that!

  6. Ha... I'm going to create myself a craft room! :) I've always wanted one, so I'll finally have an extra room!

  7. My 2 kids flew the coop within a year of each other. After number 2 moved out, we turned one bedroom into a craft room for me and the other bedroom into a library/office for my husband. The kids never moved back home. They are 35 and 39 now.

    espressogurl at hotmail dot com

  8. Do NOT enter me. I'm not "soup for the soul" fan. But I wanted to say I know about the book slumps. Its been about a month long one for me.

  9. I'm going to start traveling on my husband's overseas work jaunts with him, the moment the kiddo is out the door. One more year and I'm going to be having some empty nest fun. I'll miss him, though . . .

    nancytoes (at) bellsouth (dot) net

  10. I am laughing my head off at your mother's answer, btw.

  11. I love your mom's answer!

    Don't enter me, but I plan on travelling as much as possible with my sisters.

  12. I'm glad you guys are getting such a kick out of my mom. I'm STILL trying to get the images out of my head ... No matter how old you are, there are still things you DON'T want to think about!

    I do have to say, though, that my parents have the strongest marriage I've ever seen - obviously, they're doing something right :) Love you, Mom.

  13. We overtook their rooms. Son was the first to go, we got a bedroom. Daughter was the second to go, we got a computer room.

  14. Well, so long as we're dreaming, I'll go on a book tour (ya know, since I'll be a famous published author by then) without having to worry about babysitters.

    But Jerry will want to copy your mom. :) (Your mom's awesome.)

    I'm also not a Chicken Soup fan, but I think my empty-nest in-laws will like it....

  15. At the rate I'm going, I'll finally finish their baby books and maybe a trip to Rome!

  16. Well I'm going to be the different one. My daughter is 30 and I would die if she moved out. We're like soul sisters. ;o)


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