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2024 Bookish Books Reading Challenge (Hosted by Yours Truly)

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2024 Literary Escapes Challenge

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51 / 51 states. 100% done!

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Around the Year in 52 Books Reading Challenge

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Disney Animated Movies Reading Challenge

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The 100 Most Common Last Names in the U.S. Reading Challenge

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78 / 100 names. 78% done!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Author Chat: An Interview with Kate Jacobs

Me: Hi Kate. Thanks so much for stopping by Bloggin' 'Bout Books today and answering some quesitons about your books (The Friday Night Knitting Club; Comfort Food), writing, and

life in general.

KJ: Thanks, Susan.

Me: You write about the comforts women use to soothe and ground themselves. Why do you think women need such activities in their lives? What is your comfort object/activity?

KJ: It’s all about making chocolate chip cookies for me. Two nights before I was going on tour to promote Comfort Food – when I had a million things to do – there I was, making cookie dough to soothe my nervousness. Another thing I like to do is just walk. I always do my best thinking when I’m strolling around. I think we all need something, a go-to that soothes and comforts. We all have so much going on that we’re stressed and overtired and mentally exhausted. So we need to recharge. I want my books to feel like an escape, a soothing bit of comfort.

Me: The main characters of both your novels have been single moms, who succeed in life by finding their passion and following it. What is your passion and how has it enriched your life?

KJ: Writing. Sharing stories is my craft, my passion, and my work. It’s a great privilege to be able to combine all of those things, and I’m very grateful to write full-time. When I started the first book I was still working as a freelance editor so, believe me, having the time to write is a luxury. That said, there are days when it is hard to get pages done, and working at home means there are always lots of chores to distract me!

Me: Piggybacking on the last question, are these strong, capable "mompreneurs" based on anyone you know? Yourself, perhaps?

KJ: All the women I know are such smart people. It’s important to me that the female characters in my stories are strong, proud, and intelligent. Even as they have struggles and challenges that keeps the story interesting. As for me being a mompreneur? I don’t qualify: My husband I don’t have any kids yet!

Me: In both of your books you mention people dyeing their hair with Kool Aid and having trouble driving on the left side of the road while in Europe. Do I sense some personal experience there??

KJ: Insightful readers like you are the ones who are going to find the real me in my stories; I’m going to have to watch out! Well, I did not ever color my hair with Kool-Aid. That, unfortunately, became trendy after I was a bit too old to get away with trying it. But I would have quite enjoyed doing so. Instead, I spent my allowance at the drugstore and purchased colored hair mousse – I remember that I had a sunshine yellow and a deep purple – and it would imbue my hair with that color. It was temporary but that suited me because then I could change my mind based on the day. And, of course, I used blue and green mascara and a lot of eyeshadow, but then again I’m talking about the 1980s. Who didn’t do that stuff? As for driving on the left side of the road in Europe, I haven’t done that either. I’ve only been the passenger – more like the backseat driver, if you know what I mean – screeching with concern over narrow roads and worrying the way through every roundabout.

Me: Which of your characters is most like you? Which one would you most like to have for a best friend?

KJ: Like Aimee, I have a deep love of game shows. There, I admitted it! And, like Hannah, I nibble on candy when I write. I was really enjoying hard lemon candies when I was writing Comfort Food. And I found my way to Gus by thinking about when my husband was seriously ill and the emotions during that period. (He’s all better now, I'm pleased to say.) That's why Gus is a widow; I imagined what a different outcome would be like. But, that said, the characters are really and truly themselves. They have their own personalities and quirks and are like real people to me; they are my imaginary friends, I guess. I am almost thirty-five and I have a career based on imaginary friends. Well, that's pretty fun. As for who I want to be my best friend…hmmm, I wouldn’t mind hanging out with Oliver, that’s for sure. He’s a hottie!

Me: LOL. I hear you on that, sister. Thanks so much for chatting with me today!

(Author image from Kate Jacobs' official website)


  1. I enjoyed your interview. I felt slightly vested in the process. Great reviews of the author's books.

  2. Susan - thanks for the great interview with KATE JACOBS. I had the opportunity to interview her too for my podcast - She was great to talk with - about knitting, food, writing and a lot about the importance of girlfriends in her life.

    If possible, please share with your readers that they can win a copy of Kate's new book COMFORT FOOD at I have over 40 books to give away this month and all they have to do is send in a short girlfriend story.

    Thanks! Debba /


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